Walts rule

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From one of our favorite users, Dr. Walt (Bubba) Lorenz:

Important README:

Remember that before any updates or changes are made on the zcluster anyone who makes said changes/updates should always check first to make sure that Walt's jobs (wlorenz or qbcg2) cannot possibly be negatively impacted- this will henceforth be known as "Walt's Rule." Also, the Corollary to Walt's Rule states that, and I quote, "Any changes made without first assessing Walt's job status will inevitably result in his jobs crashing and lead to the elicitation of numerous harassing phone calls and inquiries from Walt to the GACRC staff." Neither of these should not be confused with Walt's Rule of Roots, which states: "The square root of the cumulative number of days that Walt has been refused sudoer privileges since first asking divided by the number of jobs he has running is proportional to the number of phone calls he makes each day to the GACRC helpline."

These should probably be entered on the GACRC Wiki when someone has some free time (Greg).

