Software Installed on Sapelo2

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Once you login into the cluster, you can use LMOD commands to check if an application is installed.

To display all module files installed, use

ml avail

To search for a given package, use

ml spider appsname

where appsname needs to be replaced by the application name (or portions of it) that you wish to search for.

Please note that when you use the "ml spider appsname" command to look for module files, the appsname is not case sensitive. However, when you load a module, the name is case sensitive. On Sapelo2 we are using the EasyBuild framework to help with package installations and using all lower case names for the module files creates some conflicts, as we encountered several packages that would have the same names if we were to use all lower cases.

Note that each package is installed as part of a toolchain (with a fixed version of compiler and all libraries built with that same compiler version, to avoid conflict) and the name of the modules include the toolchain used.

Individual pages for software is available at Software, but many applications that are already installed on Sapelo2 are not yet listed in this table.