Monitoring Jobs on the teaching cluster

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How to list all user jobs in the queues

To list all running and pending jobs (by all users), use the command


Sample squeue output:

               274       batch slurmenv  ab12345 PD       0:00      1 (Dependency)
               278 interactive     bash   shtsai  R       0:04      1 rb1-11
               277       batch  mpitest   shtsai  R       2:05      2 rb1-[9-10]
               276       batch slurmenv   shtsai  R       0:08      1 rb1-6
               273       batch slurmenv  ab12345  R       0:44      1 rb1-7

Output explained:

The column entitled JOBID gives the job id of each job.

The column entitled PARTITION gives the partition or queue where the job is running. A job in the interactive partition is an interactive session (e.g. one that was launched with the interact command).

The column entitled NAME gives the name of the job (specified in the job submission script with the --job-name or -J option.

The column entitled USER gives the username (MyID) of the user running the job.

The column entitled ST gives the status of a job, which could be

  • R : job is running
  • PD : job is pending, waiting for resources to become available or for a job dependency to be satisfied
  • CG : job is being cleared (completed, was deleted, crashed) and is no longer running.

The column entitled TIME gives the walltime of the job (this is not the CPU time of the job).

The column entitled NODES specifies how many nodes are being used by the job.

The column entitled NODELIST(REASON) lists the hostnames of the nodes used by running jobs. For pending jobs, this column lists the reason the job is pending. For example Dependency means the job is waiting for a job dependency to be satisfied.

The command

squeue -l

adds an extra column in the output for the TIME_LIMIT of the jobs.

How to list only my jobs in the queues

To list all your running and pending jobs, use the command

squeue -u MyID

where MyID needs to be replaced by your own cluster username (UGA MyID).

Sample output (as ran by user shtsai):

               278 interactive     bash   shtsai  R       0:04      1 rb1-11
               277       batch  mpitest   shtsai  R       2:05      2 rb1-[9-10]
               276       batch slurmenv   shtsai  R       0:08      1 rb1-6

How to determine on which node(s) jobs are running

To see which nodes were assigned to each or your jobs, use the command


The column entitled NODELIST lists the hostnames of the nodes allocated to the jobs.

How to see detailed information about a given job

To see a long listing with detailed information for a running job (STATE = R), including the initial working directory, the number of cores and memory requested, the job submission and start time, use the command

scontrol show job JOBID

where JOBID should be replaced by the JOBID for the job you wish to check (the JOBID is given in the first column of the squeue output).

Sample output of a long job listing scontrol show job 11279:

JobId=11279 JobName=mpitest
   UserId=ab12345(10012) GroupId=abclab(1001) MCS_label=N/A
   Priority=1 Nice=0 Account=gacrc QOS=normal
   JobState=RUNNING Reason=None Dependency=(null)
   Requeue=1 Restarts=0 BatchFlag=1 Reboot=0 ExitCode=0:0
   RunTime=00:02:24 TimeLimit=02:00:00 TimeMin=N/A
   SubmitTime=2018-08-14T12:19:23 EligibleTime=2018-08-14T12:19:23
   StartTime=2018-08-14T12:19:23 EndTime=2018-08-14T14:19:23 Deadline=N/A
   PreemptTime=None SuspendTime=None SecsPreSuspend=0
   Partition=batch AllocNode:Sid=c2-4:872
   ReqNodeList=(null) ExcNodeList=(null)
   NumNodes=2 NumCPUs=24 NumTasks=24 CPUs/Task=1 ReqB:S:C:T=0:0:*:*
   Socks/Node=* NtasksPerN:B:S:C=12:0:*:* CoreSpec=*
   MinCPUsNode=12 MinMemoryCPU=600M MinTmpDiskNode=0
   Features=(null) DelayBoot=00:00:00
   Gres=(null) Reservation=(null)
   OverSubscribe=OK Contiguous=0 Licenses=(null) Network=(null)

The long listing of information is not available any more for jobs that are no longer in a running state.

Note that the long listing above does not include the resources utilized by the job.

For your own jobs that are still running or that already completed, you can check how much memory was used, how much CPU time was used, the working directory, etc, please use the command


Sample output of an sacct_zh command:

       JobID    JobName      User  Partition        NodeList AllocNodes   NTasks      NCPUS     ReqMem  MaxVMSize      State    CPUTime    Elapsed  Timelimit ExitCode              WorkDir 
------------ ---------- --------- ---------- --------------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------------------- 
275            slurmenv    shtsai      batch           rb1-5          1                   2       10Gn             COMPLETED   00:00:00   00:00:00   02:00:00      0:0 /home/shtsai/tests/+ 
275.batch         batch                                rb1-5          1        1          2       10Gn    197240K  COMPLETED   00:00:00   00:00:00                 0:0                      
275.extern       extern                                rb1-5          1        1          2       10Gn    169800K  COMPLETED   00:00:00   00:00:00                 0:0                      
276            slurmenv    shtsai      batch           rb1-6          1                   1       10Gn            CANCELLED+   00:03:19   00:03:19   02:00:00      0:0 /home/shtsai/tests/+ 
276.batch         batch                                rb1-6          1        1          1       10Gn    221140K  CANCELLED   00:03:20   00:03:20                0:15                      
276.extern       extern                                rb1-6          1        1          1       10Gn    169800K  COMPLETED   00:03:19   00:03:19                 0:0                      
277             mpitest    shtsai      batch      rb1-[9-10]          2                  24      600Mc             COMPLETED   04:01:12   00:10:03   02:00:00      0:0 /home/shtsai/tests/+ 
277.batch         batch                                rb1-9          1        1         12      600Mc    221268K  COMPLETED   02:00:36   00:10:03                 0:0                      
277.extern       extern                           rb1-[9-10]          2        2         24      600Mc    169800K  COMPLETED   04:01:12   00:10:03                 0:0                      
277.0             orted                                rb1-10          1        1          1      600Mc    265640K  COMPLETED   00:00:01   00:00:01                 0:0                      
278                bash    shtsai     interq            rb1-4          1                   1        2Gn               RUNNING   00:13:37   00:13:37   12:00:00      0:0 /home/shtsai/tests/+ 
278.extern       extern                                 rb1-4          1        1          1        2Gn               RUNNING   00:13:37   00:13:37                 0:0                      
278.0              bash                                 rb1-4          1        1          1        2Gn               RUNNING   00:13:37   00:13:37                 0:0       

Note that each job will have several entries in this output, and these correspond to the different steps of the job. In general, non-MPI jobs that are still running will have two entries listed (jobid and jobid.extern), non-MPI jobs that completed or that were cancelled will have 3 entries (jobid, jobid.batch, jobid.extern), and MPI jobs will have an extra entry (jobid.0).

To see all fields reported by the accounting command for a given job, use the command

sacct -l -j JOBID

where JOBID should be replaced by the JOBID for the job you wish to check (the JOBID is given in the first column of the squeue output).

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Monitoring Array Jobs

To view an array job, use the command

squeue -l

Sample output of the squeue -l command for an array job that has JOBID=81 and that has 10 elements:

Fri Aug  11 16:38:03 2023
              81_0     batch arrayjob   shtsai  RUNNING       0:03  10:00:00      1 rb1-7
              81_1     batch arrayjob   shtsai  RUNNING       0:03  10:00:00      1 rb1-7
              81_2     batch arrayjob   shtsai  RUNNING       0:03  10:00:00      1 rb1-7
              81_3     batch arrayjob   shtsai  RUNNING       0:03  10:00:00      1 rb1-7
              81_4     batch arrayjob   shtsai  RUNNING       0:03  10:00:00      1 rb1-7
              81_5     batch arrayjob   shtsai  RUNNING       0:03  10:00:00      1 rb1-7
              81_6     batch arrayjob   shtsai  RUNNING       0:03  10:00:00      1 rb1-7
              81_7     batch arrayjob   shtsai  RUNNING       0:03  10:00:00      1 rb1-7
              81_8     batch arrayjob   shtsai  RUNNING       0:03  10:00:00      1 rb1-7
              81_9     batch arrayjob   shtsai  RUNNING       0:03  10:00:00      1 rb1-7

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