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The last version of this application is at /usr/local/apps/eb/GATK/3.8-0-Java-1.8.0_144
The last version of this application is at /usr/local/apps/eb/GATK/3.8-0-Java-1.8.0_144

To use this version, please loads the module with
To use this version, please load the module with
<pre class="gscript">
<pre class="gscript">
ml GATK/3.8-0-Java-1.8.0_144  
ml GATK/3.8-0-Java-1.8.0_144  

Here is an example of a shell script,, to run on at the batch queue:  
Here is an example of a shell script,, to run on the batch queue:  

<div class="gscript2">
<div class="gscript2">
Line 40: Line 40:
<nowiki>#</nowiki>SBATCH --time=<u>08:00:00</u><br>   
<nowiki>#</nowiki>SBATCH --time=<u>08:00:00</u><br>   
<nowiki>#</nowiki>SBATCH --output=GATK.%j.out<br>
<nowiki>#</nowiki>SBATCH --output=GATK.%j.out<br>
<nowiki>#</nowiki>SBATCH --error=GATK.%j.err<br>
ml GATK/3.8-0-Java-1.8.0_144<br>     
ml GATK/3.8-0-Java-1.8.0_144<br>     
gatk <u>[options]</u><br>   
java -jar $EBROOTGATK/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar <u>[options]</u><br>   
In the real submission script, at least all the above underlined values need to be reviewed or to be replaced by the proper values.   
In the real submission script, at least all the above underlined values need to be reviewed or to be replaced by the proper values.   
Line 59: Line 60:
<pre  class="gcommand">
<pre  class="gcommand">
ml GATK/3.8-0-Java-1.8.0_144  
ml GATK/3.8-0-Java-1.8.0_144  
gatk gatk -h
java -jar $EBROOTGATK/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -h
The Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) v3.8-0-ge9d806836, Compiled 2017/07/28 21:26:50
Copyright (c) 2010-2016 The Broad Institute
For support and documentation go to
[Wed Aug 15 15:22:45 EDT 2018] Executing on Linux 3.10.0-862.9.1.el7.x86_64 amd64
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_144-b01
usage: java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T <analysis_type> [-args <arg_file>] [-I <input_file>] [--showFullBamList] [-rbs
      <read_buffer_size>] [-rf <read_filter>] [-drf <disable_read_filter>] [-L <intervals>] [-XL <excludeIntervals>] [-isr
      <interval_set_rule>] [-im <interval_merging>] [-ip <interval_padding>] [-R <reference_sequence>] [-ndrs] [-maxRuntime
      <maxRuntime>] [-maxRuntimeUnits <maxRuntimeUnits>] [-dt <downsampling_type>] [-dfrac <downsample_to_fraction>] [-dcov
      <downsample_to_coverage>] [-baq <baq>] [-baqGOP <baqGapOpenPenalty>] [-fixNDN] [-fixMisencodedQuals]
      [-allowPotentiallyMisencodedQuals] [-OQ] [-DBQ <defaultBaseQualities>] [-PF <performanceLog>] [-BQSR <BQSR>] [-qq
      <quantize_quals>] [-SQQ <static_quantized_quals>] [-DIQ] [-EOQ] [-preserveQ <preserve_qscores_less_than>]
      [-globalQScorePrior <globalQScorePrior>] [-secondsBetweenProgressUpdates <secondsBetweenProgressUpdates>] [-S
      <validation_strictness>] [-rpr] [-kpr] [-sample_rename_mapping_file <sample_rename_mapping_file>] [-U <unsafe>]
      [-jdk_deflater] [-jdk_inflater] [-disable_auto_index_creation_and_locking_when_reading_rods] [-no_cmdline_in_header]
      [-sites_only] [-writeFullFormat] [-compress <bam_compression>] [-simplifyBAM] [--disable_bam_indexing] [--generate_md5]
      [-nt <num_threads>] [-nct <num_cpu_threads_per_data_thread>] [-mte] [-rgbl <read_group_black_list>] [-ped <pedigree>]
      [-pedString <pedigreeString>] [-pedValidationType <pedigreeValidationType>] [-variant_index_type <variant_index_type>]
      [-variant_index_parameter <variant_index_parameter>] [-ref_win_stop <reference_window_stop>] [-l <logging_level>] [-log
      <log_to_file>] [-h] [-version]
-T,--analysis_type <analysis_type>                                                      Name of the tool to run
-args,--arg_file <arg_file>                                                              Reads arguments from the
                                                                                          specified file
-I,--input_file <input_file>                                                            Input file containing sequence
                                                                                          data (BAM or CRAM)
--showFullBamList                                                                        Emit list of input BAM/CRAM
                                                                                          files to log
-rbs,--read_buffer_size <read_buffer_size>                                              Number of reads per SAM file
                                                                                          to buffer in memory
-rf,--read_filter <read_filter>                                                          Filters to apply to reads
                                                                                          before analysis
-drf,--disable_read_filter <disable_read_filter>                                        Read filters to disable
-L,--intervals <intervals>                                                              One or more genomic intervals
                                                                                          over which to operate
-XL,--excludeIntervals <excludeIntervals>                                                One or more genomic intervals
                                                                                          to exclude from processing
-isr,--interval_set_rule <interval_set_rule>                                            Set merging approach to use
                                                                                          for combining interval inputs
-im,--interval_merging <interval_merging>                                                Interval merging rule for
                                                                                          abutting intervals (ALL|
-ip,--interval_padding <interval_padding>                                                Amount of padding (in bp) to
                                                                                          add to each interval
-R,--reference_sequence <reference_sequence>                                            Reference sequence file
-ndrs,--nonDeterministicRandomSeed                                                      Use a non-deterministic random
-maxRuntime,--maxRuntime <maxRuntime>                                                    Stop execution cleanly as soon
                                                                                          as maxRuntime has been reached
-maxRuntimeUnits,--maxRuntimeUnits <maxRuntimeUnits>                                    Unit of time used by
                                                                                          maxRuntime (NANOSECONDS|
-dt,--downsampling_type <downsampling_type>                                              Type of read downsampling to
                                                                                          employ at a given locus (NONE|
-dfrac,--downsample_to_fraction <downsample_to_fraction>                                Fraction of reads to
                                                                                          downsample to
-dcov,--downsample_to_coverage <downsample_to_coverage>                                  Target coverage threshold for
                                                                                          downsampling to coverage
-baq,--baq <baq>                                                                        Type of BAQ calculation to
                                                                                          apply in the engine (OFF|
-baqGOP,--baqGapOpenPenalty <baqGapOpenPenalty>                                          BAQ gap open penalty
-fixNDN,--refactor_NDN_cigar_string                                                      Reduce NDN elements in CIGAR
-fixMisencodedQuals,--fix_misencoded_quality_scores                                      Fix mis-encoded base quality
-allowPotentiallyMisencodedQuals,--allow_potentially_misencoded_quality_scores          Ignore warnings about base
                                                                                          quality score encoding
-OQ,--useOriginalQualities                                                              Use the base quality scores
                                                                                          from the OQ tag
-DBQ,--defaultBaseQualities <defaultBaseQualities>                                      Assign a default base quality
-PF,--performanceLog <performanceLog>                                                    Write GATK runtime performance
                                                                                          log to this file
-BQSR,--BQSR <BQSR>                                                                      Input covariates table file
                                                                                          for on-the-fly base quality
                                                                                          score recalibration
-qq,--quantize_quals <quantize_quals>                                                    Quantize quality scores to a
                                                                                          given number of levels (with
-SQQ,--static_quantized_quals <static_quantized_quals>                                  Use static quantized quality
                                                                                          scores to a given number of
                                                                                          levels (with -BQSR)
-DIQ,--disable_indel_quals                                                              Disable printing of base
                                                                                          insertion and deletion tags
                                                                                          (with -BQSR)
-EOQ,--emit_original_quals                                                              Emit the OQ tag with the
                                                                                          original base qualities (with
-preserveQ,--preserve_qscores_less_than <preserve_qscores_less_than>                    Don't recalibrate bases with
                                                                                          quality scores less than this
                                                                                          threshold (with -BQSR)
-globalQScorePrior,--globalQScorePrior <globalQScorePrior>                              Global Qscore Bayesian prior
                                                                                          to use for BQSR
-secondsBetweenProgressUpdates,--secondsBetweenProgressUpdates                          Time interval for process
<secondsBetweenProgressUpdates>                                                          meter information output (in
-S,--validation_strictness <validation_strictness>                                      How strict should we be with
                                                                                          validation (STRICT|LENIENT|
-rpr,--remove_program_records                                                            Remove program records from
                                                                                          the SAM header
-kpr,--keep_program_records                                                              Keep program records in the
                                                                                          SAM header
-sample_rename_mapping_file,--sample_rename_mapping_file <sample_rename_mapping_file>    Rename sample IDs on-the-fly
                                                                                          at runtime using the provided
                                                                                          mapping file
-U,--unsafe <unsafe>                                                                    Enable unsafe operations:
                                                                                          nothing will be checked at
                                                                                          runtime (ALLOW_N_CIGAR_READS|
-jdk_deflater,--use_jdk_deflater                                                        Use the JDK Deflater instead
                                                                                          of the IntelDeflater for
                                                                                          writing BAMs
-jdk_inflater,--use_jdk_inflater                                                        Use the JDK Inflater instead
                                                                                          of the IntelInflater for
                                                                                          reading BAMs
d_locking_when_reading_rods,--disable_auto_index_creation_and_locking_when_reading_rods  Disable both auto-generation
                                                                                          of index files and index file
-no_cmdline_in_header,--no_cmdline_in_header                                            Don't include the command line
                                                                                          in output VCF headers
-sites_only,--sites_only                                                                Output sites-only VCF
-writeFullFormat,--never_trim_vcf_format_field                                          Always output all the records
                                                                                          in VCF FORMAT fields, even if
                                                                                          some are missing
-compress,--bam_compression <bam_compression>                                            Compression level to use for
                                                                                          writing BAM files (0 - 9,
                                                                                          higher is more compressed)
-simplifyBAM,--simplifyBAM                                                              Strip down read content and
--disable_bam_indexing                                                                  Turn off on-the-fly creation
                                                                                          of indices for output BAM/CRAM
--generate_md5                                                                          Enable on-the-fly creation of
                                                                                          md5s for output BAM files.
-nt,--num_threads <num_threads>                                                          Number of data threads to
                                                                                          allocate to this analysis
-nct,--num_cpu_threads_per_data_thread <num_cpu_threads_per_data_thread>                Number of CPU threads to
                                                                                          allocate per data thread
-mte,--monitorThreadEfficiency                                                          Enable threading efficiency
-rgbl,--read_group_black_list <read_group_black_list>                                    Exclude read groups based on
-ped,--pedigree <pedigree>                                                              Pedigree files for samples
-pedString,--pedigreeString <pedigreeString>                                            Pedigree string for samples
-pedValidationType,--pedigreeValidationType <pedigreeValidationType>                    Validation strictness for
                                                                                          pedigree (STRICT|SILENT)
-variant_index_type,--variant_index_type <variant_index_type>                            Type of IndexCreator to use
                                                                                          for VCF/BCF indices
-variant_index_parameter,--variant_index_parameter <variant_index_parameter>            Parameter to pass to the
                                                                                          VCF/BCF IndexCreator
-ref_win_stop,--reference_window_stop <reference_window_stop>                            Reference window stop
-l,--logging_level <logging_level>                                                      Set the minimum level of
-log,--log_to_file <log_to_file>                                                        Set the logging location
-h,--help                                                                                Generate the help message
-version,--version                                                                      Output version information
  VariantAnnotator              Annotate variant calls with context information
  AnalyzeCovariates            Create plots to visualize base recalibration results
  BaseRecalibrator              Detect systematic errors in base quality scores
  AssignSomaticStatus          Assigns somatic status to a set of calls
  AnnotatePopulationAFWalker    Given a input VCF representing a collection of populations, split the input into each
                                population, and annotate each record with population allele frequencies
  ContEst                      Estimate cross-sample contamination
  CallableLoci                  Collect statistics on callable, uncallable, poorly mapped, and other parts of the
  CompareCallableLoci          Compare callability statistics
  DepthOfCoverage              Assess sequence coverage by a wide array of metrics, partitioned by sample, read group,
                                or library
  GCContentByInterval          Calculates the GC content of the reference sequence for each interval
  DiagnoseTargets              Analyze coverage distribution and validate read mates per interval and per sample
  ErrorRatePerCycle            Compute the read error rate per position
  FindCoveredIntervals          Outputs a list of intervals that are covered to or above a given threshold
  ReadGroupProperties          Collect statistics about read groups and their properties
  ReadLengthDistribution        Collect read length statistics
  DiffObjects                  A generic engine for comparing tree-structured objects
  GATKPaperGenotyper            Simple Bayesian genotyper used in the original GATK paper
  FastaAlternateReferenceMaker  Generate an alternative reference sequence over the specified interval
  FastaReferenceMaker          Create a subset of a FASTA reference sequence
  FastaStats                    Calculate basic statistics about the reference sequence itself
  VariantFiltration            Filter variant calls based on INFO and FORMAT annotations
  UnifiedGenotyper              Call SNPs and indels on a per-locus basis
  HaplotypeCaller              Call germline SNPs and indels via local re-assembly of haplotypes
  HaplotypeResolver            Haplotype-based resolution of variants in separate callsets.
  IndelRealigner                Perform local realignment of reads around indels
  LeftAlignIndels              Left-align indels within reads in a bam file
  RealignerTargetCreator        Define intervals to target for local realignment
  MuTect2                      Call somatic SNPs and indels via local re-assembly of haplotypes
  QualifyMissingIntervals      Collect quality metrics for a set of intervals
  PhaseByTransmission          Compute the most likely genotype combination and phasing for trios and parent/child
  ReadBackedPhasing            Annotate physical phasing information
  CheckPileup                  Compare GATK's internal pileup to a reference Samtools pileup
  CountBases                    Count the number of bases in a set of reads
  CountIntervals                Count contiguous regions in an interval list
  CountLoci                    Count the total number of covered loci
  CountMales                    Count the number of reads seen from male samples
  CountReadEvents              Count the number of read events
  CountReads                    Count the number of reads
  CountRODs                    Count the number of ROD objects encountered
  CountRODsByRef                Count the number of ROD objects encountered along the reference
  CountTerminusEvent            Count the number of reads ending in insertions, deletions or soft-clips
  ErrorThrowing                A walker that simply throws errors.
  FlagStat                      Collect statistics about sequence reads based on their SAM flags
  Pileup                        Print read alignments in Pileup-style format
  PrintRODs                    Print out all of the RODs in the input data set
  QCRef                        Quality control for the reference fasta
  ReadClippingStats            Collect read clipping statistics
  ClipReads                    Read clipping based on quality, position or sequence matching
  PrintReads                    Write out sequence read data (for filtering, merging, subsetting etc)
  SplitSamFile                  Split a BAM file by sample
  ASEReadCounter                Calculate read counts per allele for allele-specific expression analysis
  SplitNCigarReads              Splits reads that contain Ns in their CIGAR string
  SimulateReadsForVariants      Generate simulated reads for variants
  ValidationSiteSelector        Randomly select variant records according to specified options
  VariantEval                  General-purpose tool for variant evaluation (% in dbSNP, genotype concordance, Ti/Tv
                                ratios, and a lot more)
  ApplyRecalibration            Apply a score cutoff to filter variants based on a recalibration table
  VariantRecalibrator          Build a recalibration model to score variant quality for filtering purposes
  CalculateGenotypePosteriors  Calculate genotype posterior likelihoods given panel data
  CombineGVCFs                  Combine per-sample gVCF files produced by HaplotypeCaller into a multi-sample gVCF file
  CombineVariants              Combine variant records from different sources
  GenotypeConcordance          Genotype concordance between two callsets
  GenotypeGVCFs                Perform joint genotyping on gVCF files produced by HaplotypeCaller
  LeftAlignAndTrimVariants      Left-align indels in a variant callset
  RandomlySplitVariants        Randomly split variants into different sets
  RegenotypeVariants            Regenotypes the variants from a VCF containing PLs or GLs.
  SelectHeaders                Selects headers from a VCF source
  SelectVariants                Select a subset of variants from a larger callset
  ValidateVariants              Validate a VCF file with an extra strict set of criteria
  VariantsToAllelicPrimitives  Simplify multi-nucleotide variants (MNPs) into more basic/primitive alleles.
  VariantsToBinaryPed          Convert VCF to binary pedigree file
  VariantsToTable              Extract specific fields from a VCF file to a tab-delimited table
  VariantsToVCF                Convert variants from other file formats to VCF format


Latest revision as of 15:22, 15 August 2018



Program On




Author / Distributor



"The Genome Analysis Toolkit or GATK is a software package developed at the Broad Institute to analyse next-generation resequencing data. The toolkit offers a wide variety of tools, with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping as well as strong emphasis on data quality assurance. Its robust architecture, powerful processing engine and high-performance computing features make it capable of taking on projects of any size." More details are at GATK

Running Program

The last version of this application is at /usr/local/apps/eb/GATK/3.8-0-Java-1.8.0_144

To use this version, please load the module with

ml GATK/3.8-0-Java-1.8.0_144 

Here is an example of a shell script,, to run on the batch queue:

#SBATCH --job-name=j_GATK
#SBATCH --partition=batch
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --mem=10gb
#SBATCH --time=08:00:00
#SBATCH --output=GATK.%j.out
#SBATCH --error=GATK.%j.err

ml GATK/3.8-0-Java-1.8.0_144
java -jar $EBROOTGATK/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar [options]

In the real submission script, at least all the above underlined values need to be reviewed or to be replaced by the proper values.

Please refer to Running_Jobs_on_the_teaching_cluster, Run X window Jobs and Run interactive Jobs for more details of running jobs at Teaching cluster.

Here is an example of job submission command:

sbatch ./ 


ml GATK/3.8-0-Java-1.8.0_144 
java -jar $EBROOTGATK/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -h
The Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) v3.8-0-ge9d806836, Compiled 2017/07/28 21:26:50
Copyright (c) 2010-2016 The Broad Institute
For support and documentation go to
[Wed Aug 15 15:22:45 EDT 2018] Executing on Linux 3.10.0-862.9.1.el7.x86_64 amd64
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_144-b01
usage: java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T <analysis_type> [-args <arg_file>] [-I <input_file>] [--showFullBamList] [-rbs 
       <read_buffer_size>] [-rf <read_filter>] [-drf <disable_read_filter>] [-L <intervals>] [-XL <excludeIntervals>] [-isr 
       <interval_set_rule>] [-im <interval_merging>] [-ip <interval_padding>] [-R <reference_sequence>] [-ndrs] [-maxRuntime 
       <maxRuntime>] [-maxRuntimeUnits <maxRuntimeUnits>] [-dt <downsampling_type>] [-dfrac <downsample_to_fraction>] [-dcov 
       <downsample_to_coverage>] [-baq <baq>] [-baqGOP <baqGapOpenPenalty>] [-fixNDN] [-fixMisencodedQuals] 
       [-allowPotentiallyMisencodedQuals] [-OQ] [-DBQ <defaultBaseQualities>] [-PF <performanceLog>] [-BQSR <BQSR>] [-qq 
       <quantize_quals>] [-SQQ <static_quantized_quals>] [-DIQ] [-EOQ] [-preserveQ <preserve_qscores_less_than>] 
       [-globalQScorePrior <globalQScorePrior>] [-secondsBetweenProgressUpdates <secondsBetweenProgressUpdates>] [-S 
       <validation_strictness>] [-rpr] [-kpr] [-sample_rename_mapping_file <sample_rename_mapping_file>] [-U <unsafe>] 
       [-jdk_deflater] [-jdk_inflater] [-disable_auto_index_creation_and_locking_when_reading_rods] [-no_cmdline_in_header] 
       [-sites_only] [-writeFullFormat] [-compress <bam_compression>] [-simplifyBAM] [--disable_bam_indexing] [--generate_md5] 
       [-nt <num_threads>] [-nct <num_cpu_threads_per_data_thread>] [-mte] [-rgbl <read_group_black_list>] [-ped <pedigree>] 
       [-pedString <pedigreeString>] [-pedValidationType <pedigreeValidationType>] [-variant_index_type <variant_index_type>] 
       [-variant_index_parameter <variant_index_parameter>] [-ref_win_stop <reference_window_stop>] [-l <logging_level>] [-log 
       <log_to_file>] [-h] [-version]

 -T,--analysis_type <analysis_type>                                                       Name of the tool to run
 -args,--arg_file <arg_file>                                                              Reads arguments from the 
                                                                                          specified file
 -I,--input_file <input_file>                                                             Input file containing sequence 
                                                                                          data (BAM or CRAM)
 --showFullBamList                                                                        Emit list of input BAM/CRAM 
                                                                                          files to log
 -rbs,--read_buffer_size <read_buffer_size>                                               Number of reads per SAM file 
                                                                                          to buffer in memory
 -rf,--read_filter <read_filter>                                                          Filters to apply to reads 
                                                                                          before analysis
 -drf,--disable_read_filter <disable_read_filter>                                         Read filters to disable
 -L,--intervals <intervals>                                                               One or more genomic intervals 
                                                                                          over which to operate
 -XL,--excludeIntervals <excludeIntervals>                                                One or more genomic intervals 
                                                                                          to exclude from processing
 -isr,--interval_set_rule <interval_set_rule>                                             Set merging approach to use 
                                                                                          for combining interval inputs 
 -im,--interval_merging <interval_merging>                                                Interval merging rule for 
                                                                                          abutting intervals (ALL|
 -ip,--interval_padding <interval_padding>                                                Amount of padding (in bp) to 
                                                                                          add to each interval
 -R,--reference_sequence <reference_sequence>                                             Reference sequence file
 -ndrs,--nonDeterministicRandomSeed                                                       Use a non-deterministic random 
 -maxRuntime,--maxRuntime <maxRuntime>                                                    Stop execution cleanly as soon 
                                                                                          as maxRuntime has been reached
 -maxRuntimeUnits,--maxRuntimeUnits <maxRuntimeUnits>                                     Unit of time used by 
                                                                                          maxRuntime (NANOSECONDS|
 -dt,--downsampling_type <downsampling_type>                                              Type of read downsampling to 
                                                                                          employ at a given locus (NONE|
 -dfrac,--downsample_to_fraction <downsample_to_fraction>                                 Fraction of reads to 
                                                                                          downsample to
 -dcov,--downsample_to_coverage <downsample_to_coverage>                                  Target coverage threshold for 
                                                                                          downsampling to coverage
 -baq,--baq <baq>                                                                         Type of BAQ calculation to 
                                                                                          apply in the engine (OFF|
 -baqGOP,--baqGapOpenPenalty <baqGapOpenPenalty>                                          BAQ gap open penalty
 -fixNDN,--refactor_NDN_cigar_string                                                      Reduce NDN elements in CIGAR 
 -fixMisencodedQuals,--fix_misencoded_quality_scores                                      Fix mis-encoded base quality 
 -allowPotentiallyMisencodedQuals,--allow_potentially_misencoded_quality_scores           Ignore warnings about base 
                                                                                          quality score encoding
 -OQ,--useOriginalQualities                                                               Use the base quality scores 
                                                                                          from the OQ tag
 -DBQ,--defaultBaseQualities <defaultBaseQualities>                                       Assign a default base quality
 -PF,--performanceLog <performanceLog>                                                    Write GATK runtime performance 
                                                                                          log to this file
 -BQSR,--BQSR <BQSR>                                                                      Input covariates table file 
                                                                                          for on-the-fly base quality 
                                                                                          score recalibration
 -qq,--quantize_quals <quantize_quals>                                                    Quantize quality scores to a 
                                                                                          given number of levels (with 
 -SQQ,--static_quantized_quals <static_quantized_quals>                                   Use static quantized quality 
                                                                                          scores to a given number of 
                                                                                          levels (with -BQSR)
 -DIQ,--disable_indel_quals                                                               Disable printing of base 
                                                                                          insertion and deletion tags 
                                                                                          (with -BQSR)
 -EOQ,--emit_original_quals                                                               Emit the OQ tag with the 
                                                                                          original base qualities (with 
 -preserveQ,--preserve_qscores_less_than <preserve_qscores_less_than>                     Don't recalibrate bases with 
                                                                                          quality scores less than this 
                                                                                          threshold (with -BQSR)
 -globalQScorePrior,--globalQScorePrior <globalQScorePrior>                               Global Qscore Bayesian prior 
                                                                                          to use for BQSR
 -secondsBetweenProgressUpdates,--secondsBetweenProgressUpdates                           Time interval for process 
<secondsBetweenProgressUpdates>                                                           meter information output (in 
 -S,--validation_strictness <validation_strictness>                                       How strict should we be with 
                                                                                          validation (STRICT|LENIENT|
 -rpr,--remove_program_records                                                            Remove program records from 
                                                                                          the SAM header
 -kpr,--keep_program_records                                                              Keep program records in the 
                                                                                          SAM header
 -sample_rename_mapping_file,--sample_rename_mapping_file <sample_rename_mapping_file>    Rename sample IDs on-the-fly 
                                                                                          at runtime using the provided 
                                                                                          mapping file
 -U,--unsafe <unsafe>                                                                     Enable unsafe operations: 
                                                                                          nothing will be checked at 
                                                                                          runtime (ALLOW_N_CIGAR_READS|
 -jdk_deflater,--use_jdk_deflater                                                         Use the JDK Deflater instead 
                                                                                          of the IntelDeflater for 
                                                                                          writing BAMs
 -jdk_inflater,--use_jdk_inflater                                                         Use the JDK Inflater instead 
                                                                                          of the IntelInflater for 
                                                                                          reading BAMs
d_locking_when_reading_rods,--disable_auto_index_creation_and_locking_when_reading_rods   Disable both auto-generation 
                                                                                          of index files and index file 
 -no_cmdline_in_header,--no_cmdline_in_header                                             Don't include the command line 
                                                                                          in output VCF headers
 -sites_only,--sites_only                                                                 Output sites-only VCF
 -writeFullFormat,--never_trim_vcf_format_field                                           Always output all the records 
                                                                                          in VCF FORMAT fields, even if 
                                                                                          some are missing
 -compress,--bam_compression <bam_compression>                                            Compression level to use for 
                                                                                          writing BAM files (0 - 9, 
                                                                                          higher is more compressed)
 -simplifyBAM,--simplifyBAM                                                               Strip down read content and 
 --disable_bam_indexing                                                                   Turn off on-the-fly creation 
                                                                                          of indices for output BAM/CRAM 
 --generate_md5                                                                           Enable on-the-fly creation of 
                                                                                          md5s for output BAM files.
 -nt,--num_threads <num_threads>                                                          Number of data threads to 
                                                                                          allocate to this analysis
 -nct,--num_cpu_threads_per_data_thread <num_cpu_threads_per_data_thread>                 Number of CPU threads to 
                                                                                          allocate per data thread
 -mte,--monitorThreadEfficiency                                                           Enable threading efficiency 
 -rgbl,--read_group_black_list <read_group_black_list>                                    Exclude read groups based on 
 -ped,--pedigree <pedigree>                                                               Pedigree files for samples
 -pedString,--pedigreeString <pedigreeString>                                             Pedigree string for samples
 -pedValidationType,--pedigreeValidationType <pedigreeValidationType>                     Validation strictness for 
                                                                                          pedigree (STRICT|SILENT)
 -variant_index_type,--variant_index_type <variant_index_type>                            Type of IndexCreator to use 
                                                                                          for VCF/BCF indices 
 -variant_index_parameter,--variant_index_parameter <variant_index_parameter>             Parameter to pass to the 
                                                                                          VCF/BCF IndexCreator
 -ref_win_stop,--reference_window_stop <reference_window_stop>                            Reference window stop
 -l,--logging_level <logging_level>                                                       Set the minimum level of 
 -log,--log_to_file <log_to_file>                                                         Set the logging location
 -h,--help                                                                                Generate the help message
 -version,--version                                                                       Output version information

   VariantAnnotator              Annotate variant calls with context information
   AnalyzeCovariates             Create plots to visualize base recalibration results
   BaseRecalibrator              Detect systematic errors in base quality scores
   AssignSomaticStatus           Assigns somatic status to a set of calls
   AnnotatePopulationAFWalker    Given a input VCF representing a collection of populations, split the input into each 
                                 population, and annotate each record with population allele frequencies
   ContEst                       Estimate cross-sample contamination
   CallableLoci                  Collect statistics on callable, uncallable, poorly mapped, and other parts of the 
   CompareCallableLoci           Compare callability statistics
   DepthOfCoverage               Assess sequence coverage by a wide array of metrics, partitioned by sample, read group, 
                                 or library
   GCContentByInterval           Calculates the GC content of the reference sequence for each interval
   DiagnoseTargets               Analyze coverage distribution and validate read mates per interval and per sample
   ErrorRatePerCycle             Compute the read error rate per position
   FindCoveredIntervals          Outputs a list of intervals that are covered to or above a given threshold
   ReadGroupProperties           Collect statistics about read groups and their properties
   ReadLengthDistribution        Collect read length statistics
   DiffObjects                   A generic engine for comparing tree-structured objects
   GATKPaperGenotyper            Simple Bayesian genotyper used in the original GATK paper
   FastaAlternateReferenceMaker  Generate an alternative reference sequence over the specified interval
   FastaReferenceMaker           Create a subset of a FASTA reference sequence
   FastaStats                    Calculate basic statistics about the reference sequence itself
   VariantFiltration             Filter variant calls based on INFO and FORMAT annotations
   UnifiedGenotyper              Call SNPs and indels on a per-locus basis
   HaplotypeCaller               Call germline SNPs and indels via local re-assembly of haplotypes
   HaplotypeResolver             Haplotype-based resolution of variants in separate callsets.
   IndelRealigner                Perform local realignment of reads around indels
   LeftAlignIndels               Left-align indels within reads in a bam file
   RealignerTargetCreator        Define intervals to target for local realignment
   MuTect2                       Call somatic SNPs and indels via local re-assembly of haplotypes
   QualifyMissingIntervals       Collect quality metrics for a set of intervals
   PhaseByTransmission           Compute the most likely genotype combination and phasing for trios and parent/child 
   ReadBackedPhasing             Annotate physical phasing information
   CheckPileup                   Compare GATK's internal pileup to a reference Samtools pileup
   CountBases                    Count the number of bases in a set of reads
   CountIntervals                Count contiguous regions in an interval list
   CountLoci                     Count the total number of covered loci
   CountMales                    Count the number of reads seen from male samples
   CountReadEvents               Count the number of read events
   CountReads                    Count the number of reads
   CountRODs                     Count the number of ROD objects encountered
   CountRODsByRef                Count the number of ROD objects encountered along the reference
   CountTerminusEvent            Count the number of reads ending in insertions, deletions or soft-clips
   ErrorThrowing                 A walker that simply throws errors.
   FlagStat                      Collect statistics about sequence reads based on their SAM flags
   Pileup                        Print read alignments in Pileup-style format
   PrintRODs                     Print out all of the RODs in the input data set
   QCRef                         Quality control for the reference fasta
   ReadClippingStats             Collect read clipping statistics
   ClipReads                     Read clipping based on quality, position or sequence matching
   PrintReads                    Write out sequence read data (for filtering, merging, subsetting etc)
   SplitSamFile                  Split a BAM file by sample
   ASEReadCounter                Calculate read counts per allele for allele-specific expression analysis
   SplitNCigarReads              Splits reads that contain Ns in their CIGAR string
   SimulateReadsForVariants      Generate simulated reads for variants
   ValidationSiteSelector        Randomly select variant records according to specified options
   VariantEval                   General-purpose tool for variant evaluation (% in dbSNP, genotype concordance, Ti/Tv 
                                 ratios, and a lot more)
   ApplyRecalibration            Apply a score cutoff to filter variants based on a recalibration table
   VariantRecalibrator           Build a recalibration model to score variant quality for filtering purposes
   CalculateGenotypePosteriors   Calculate genotype posterior likelihoods given panel data
   CombineGVCFs                  Combine per-sample gVCF files produced by HaplotypeCaller into a multi-sample gVCF file
   CombineVariants               Combine variant records from different sources
   GenotypeConcordance           Genotype concordance between two callsets
   GenotypeGVCFs                 Perform joint genotyping on gVCF files produced by HaplotypeCaller
   LeftAlignAndTrimVariants      Left-align indels in a variant callset
   RandomlySplitVariants         Randomly split variants into different sets
   RegenotypeVariants            Regenotypes the variants from a VCF containing PLs or GLs.
   SelectHeaders                 Selects headers from a VCF source
   SelectVariants                Select a subset of variants from a larger callset
   ValidateVariants              Validate a VCF file with an extra strict set of criteria
   VariantsToAllelicPrimitives   Simplify multi-nucleotide variants (MNPs) into more basic/primitive alleles.
   VariantsToBinaryPed           Convert VCF to binary pedigree file
   VariantsToTable               Extract specific fields from a VCF file to a tab-delimited table
   VariantsToVCF                 Convert variants from other file formats to VCF format

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Source code is obtained from GATK


64-bit Linux