BLAST Databases-Sapelo2

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Revision as of 01:06, 17 February 2022 by Keeko (talk | contribs) (added more clarity on what a blast db is and that refseq_genomic is unavailable.)
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Blast database

Blast databases are pre-formatted to work with blast commands from BLAST and BLAST+. These databases are similar to what you could build using the makeblastdb command with FASTA files. Each database is located at a directory with name pattern as /db/ncbiblast/dbname/month-day-year, where dbname is the name of the database, such as nr, nt, taxdb, refseq_rna, refseq_protein, mouse_genome, human_genome, swissprot, etc. The database refseq_genomic is no longer available to download as a pre-formatted database.

For example, an nr database downloaded on June 04, 2020 will be available in /db/ncbiblast/nr/06042020.

Available databases:


Blast database - old version 5

According to, around Feb. 04, 2020 NCBI dropped the _v5 suffix for the v5 Blast databases.

An old version of the v5 database (download in June 2019) is located at a directory with name pattern as /db/ncbiblast.v5/dbname, where dbname is the name of the database, such as nr, nt, taxdb, refseq_rna, swissprot, etc.

These old versions of the nr and nt databases still have the _v5 suffix, i.e. they are called nr_v5 and nt_v5, respectively.

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