Inactive Labs
Inactive labs, as identified by Guy as those not using the GACRC for > 365 days. Greg's note to rccstaff concerning the archiving of the data is below.
Remaining need is to wipe the lab members and group names from the following /etc files:
- passwd
- group
- aliases
- accounts
- shadow
I've archived the 28 labs that were marked as inactive on Guys inactive_labs spreadsheet (i.e., PI's who didn't respond to Guy's email). I have not cleared the /etc files entries for these labs and their users, but will do so at the end of the month, which is the date Guy gave the PI's to respond by. In short, if somebody related to one of these labs "shows up," it will be easy to simply restore their home directory from the archive.
1. The location is: thumper2:/mnt/backup/inactive_user_data/ archived_labs 2. The tar-balls are:
aoslab.tar.gz atslab.tar.gz awplab.tar.gz bslab.tar.gz cklab.tar.gz dcklab.tar.gz dhwlab.tar.gz gsdlab.tar.gz jbklab.tar.gz jhwlab.tar.gz jprlab.tar.gz kllab.tar.gz kwmlab.tar.gz laclab.tar.gz mrllab.tar.gz mwjlab.tar.gz ngalab.tar.gz piclab.tar.gz qzlab.tar.gz rcolab.tar.gz rjclab.tar.gz rsslab.tar.gz sclab.tar.gz sealab.tar.gz sslab.tar.gz wbwlab.tar.gz wsylab.tar.gz
3. The /etc/files to be cleaned up are: passwd shadow (do it on zcluster, then copy to zhead) aliases accounts groups