Disk Storage
The home and ephemeral scratch directories on GACRC cluster reside on a Panasas ActiveStor 12 storage cluster and these filesystems are mounted on the different clusters.
All user home directories have a default 100GB quota (i.e. maximum limit). The current scratch file system is mounted on the compute clusters as escratch. Researchers who need to use scratch space can type
and a sub-directory will be created, and the user will be told the path to the sub-directory e.g., /escratch/jsmith_Oct_22. The life span of the directory will be one week longer than the longest duration queue, which is currently 30 days (i.e., life span = 37 days). At that time, the directory and its contents will be deleted. Users can create one escratch directory per day if needed. The total space a user can use on scratch (all scratch directories combined) is 2TB.
Note that the home directories are backed-up, but the scratch directories are not.
To see how much space you are consuming on all the file systems, please use the command