Program On
Author / Distributor
"Miniasm is a very fast OLC-based de novo assembler for noisy long reads." More details are at miniasm
Running Program
Also refer to Running Jobs on the teaching cluster
- version 0.3, installed in /usr/local/apps/eb/miniasm/0.3-foss-2016b
To use this version of miniasm, please first load the module with
ml miniasm/0.3-foss-2016b
Sample job submission script ( to run miniasm in a batch job:
#SBATCH --job-name=j_miniasm
#SBATCH --partition=batch
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --mem=2gb
#SBATCH --time=08:00:00
#SBATCH --output=miniasm.%j.out
#SBATCH --error=miniasm.%j.err
ml miniasm/0.3-foss-2016b
miniasm [options]
In the real submission script, at least all the above underlined values need to be reviewed or to be replaced by the proper values.
Here is an example of job submission command:
sbatch ./
#PBS -S /bin/bash #PBS -N j_miniasm #PBS -q batch #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1 #PBS -l walltime=120:00:00 #PBS -l mem=20gb cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR module load miniasm/0.3-foss-2016b time miniasm [options]
where [options] need to be replaced by the options (command and arguments) you want to use. Other parameters of the job, such as the maximum wall clock time, maximum memory, and the job name need to be modified appropriately as well.
Example of job submission
module load miniasm/0.3-foss-2016b miniasm -h miniasm: option requires an argument -- 'h' Usage: miniasm [options] <in.paf> Options: Pre-selection: -R prefilter clearly contained reads (2-pass required) -m INT min match length [100] -i FLOAT min identity [0.05] -s INT min span [2000] -c INT min coverage [3] Overlap: -o INT min overlap [same as -s] -h INT max over hang length [1000] -I FLOAT min end-to-end match ratio [0.8] Layout: -g INT max gap differences between reads for trans-reduction [1000] -d INT max distance for bubble popping [50000] -e INT small unitig threshold [4] -f FILE read sequences [] -n INT rounds of short overlap removal [3] -r FLOAT[,FLOAT] max and min overlap drop ratio [0.7,0.5] -F FLOAT aggressive overlap drop ratio in the end [0.8] Miscellaneous: -p STR output information: bed, paf, sg or ug [ug] -b both directions of an arc are present in input -1 skip 1-pass read selection -2 skip 2-pass read selection -V print version number
source code from
64-bit Linux