Quick Reference Guide
Below are the minimum Linux definitions, commands, and shortcuts that you should know to do work on an HPC cluster.
1. Command - Word or letters typed into a terminal to make a computer do something. Executed by pressing enter after typing the command.
2. Command line - Literally, the line on which your cursor is on in the terminal. Sometimes used to describe the whole experience of not a graphical user interface, i.e. "Command Line Interface" or "CLI".
3. Command prompt - The text at the beginning of the command line, before your cursor. Typically [username@computername].
4. Directory - Another word for "Folder" (just like a folder in Windows or Mac). Often shortened to "dir" in commands, documentation, conversation, etc...
5. Terminal - Category of software that allows you to interact with your computer via commands, and can allow you to connect to a remote computer (via a CLI).
6. Path - The location of a file or directory. A series of subsequent directories to get to some file or directory. e.g., /home/john/file.txt
7. First / (in a path) - The root directory, where everything starts in the Linux file system.
8. Absolute path - a path that is written beginning with / (root)
9. Relative path - a path that is written relative to some other directory (does not begin with /)
10. (Command) Option - extra letter or word (-SomeLetter or --SomeWord) put after a command to modify its behavior.
Getting Help (most important)
Command | Description | Examples |
command --help |
Print a commands help output to the terminal | ls --help
man command |
Read a command's manual (press q to exit) | man ls
Command | Description | Examples |
ls |
List the contents of a particular directory (current dir if no path specified) | ls /scratch/MyID
mkdir |
Make a new directory at the specified path | mkdir /scratch/MyID/workdir
cd |
Change directory to a particular directory (personal /home dir if no path specified) | cd /scratch/MyID/workdir
rmdir |
Remove an empty directory | rmdir tmpdir
Command | Description | Examples |
nano |
Create or edit a file with nano (to save and exit: ctrl + x, y, enter) | nano sub.sh
cat |
Print the contents of a file to the terminal (better for shorter files) | cat slurm-42342.out
less |
View the contents of a file (better for longer files) | less slurm-42342.out
cp |
Copy a file or files (cp sourcepath(s) destinationpath ) |
cp /scratch/MyID/workdir/sub.sh /work/labgroup
rm |
Remove a file or files | rm oldfile.txt
rm -r |
Remove a directory and all of its contents, recursively (starting with the last dir in the path) | rm -r /home/MyID/olddir
dos2unix |
Removes DOS/Windows line endings in file | dos2unix file.txt
mac2unix |
Removes Mac line endings in file. | mac2unix file.txt
Shortcut | Description |
ctrl + l (lowercase L) | Clear your terminal screen (scroll up to see previous output) |
up/down arrow keys | Cycle through previously entered commands |
esc, . (escape, then period) | Cycle through previous arguments to commands |
ctrl + w | Backspace typed text on the command line, one word at a time |
ctrl + c | Cancel typed text on the command line |
Shortcut | Description |
shift + g | Go to the end of file |
gg | Go to the beginning of file |
-N then enter | Display/hide line numbers |
/SomePattern | Search forward through a file for SomePattern (/ then enter to keep searching forward for the same pattern) |
?SomePattern | Search backwards through a file for SomePattern (? then enter to keep searching forward for the same pattern) |
q | Exit less |
Below are the minimum Slurm commands that you should know to do work on an HPC cluster. The first table are default Slurm commands. The next table are GACRC pre-formatted wrapper scripts of the Slurm commands to provide more information and flexibility.
Default Slurm Commands
Command | Description | Examples |
sbatch |
Submit a submission script to the cluster | sbatch sub.sh
squeue |
Check status currently running jobs (--me for only your jobs) | squeue --me
sacct -X |
Check status of your jobs started since midnight of current day (-X for one line per job) | sacct -X
sacct -X -S yyyy-mm-dd |
Check status of your jobs since yyyy-mm-dd | sacct -X -S 2021-10-20
sacct -j jobID |
Check status of a particular job | sacct -j 234213
scancel jobID |
Cancel one of your running jobs | scancel 456781
sinfo |
Check the status of partitions | sinfo -p batch
GACRC Slurm Commands
Command | Description/Slurm Equivalent | Examples |
interact |
Start an interactive job. (Same as qlogin but with more flexibility) |
interact -c 4 --mem 10gb --time 01:00:00
sq |
squeue |
sq --me
sacct-gacrc -X |
sacct |
sacct-gacrc -X