Instructional Accounts
Generic instructional user accounts are available on the Linux cluster for courses that teach high-performance computing methods. Besides the number of accounts needed, we also need to know the course name (e.g., GENE8940) and what type of resources are required (e.g., special queue, large memory, specific applications or data sets, or none). Typical requests are for 10 - 30 user accounts, with a common data directory where the instructor provides data files for the class.
All users of instructional accounts must attend a training session led by one of our instructors, before being given access to GACRC resources. The training session usually takes about an hour, so please plan for that in your class scheduling.
Requests for accounts should be made via the GACRC Support Form at the beginning of the semester in which the course is taught (i.e., please don't wait until the last minute).