Connecting to the Slurm test cluster

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Revision as of 09:25, 13 July 2020 by Shtsai (talk | contribs)
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The Slurm test cluster (Sap2test) will be available to all Sapelo2 users, starting at the end of July (exact date to be announced).

To connect to this test cluster, please follow the same steps you use to connect to Sapelo2, as described in Connecting, but instead of connecting to, please connect to

The user's home directory (/home), scratch directory (/scratch), and each group's work directory (/work) on the Slurm test cluster are the same file systems as on Sapelo2. So there is no need to transfer data between Sapelo2 and Slurm test cluster.

If you have Sapelo2 specific settings in your dotfiles (for example in .bashrc or in software specific configuration files), those might need to get changed when you work on Sap2test.