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Revision as of 11:33, 10 August 2018 by Yhuang (talk | contribs)
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Installed Software List

Last updated 2018-08-10. Note: Click on the icons to the right of the column headings to sort the table. 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Name Version Category Cluster
AUGUSTUS 3.2.3 Bioinformatics Teaching Up20.png
BEDTools 2.26.0 Bioinformatics Teaching Up20.png
BioPerl 1.7.1 Bioinformatics Teaching Up20.png
Biopython 1.68 Bioinformatics Teaching Up20.png
BLAST 2.2.26 Bioinformatics Teaching Up20.png
BLAST+ 2.6.0 Bioinformatics Teaching Up20.png
Canu 1.7, 1.6, 1.5, 1.4 Bioinformatics Teaching Up20.png
DBG2OLC 20170208 Bioinformatics Teaching Up20.png
EMBOSS 6.6.0 Bioinformatics Teaching Up20.png
GAG 2.0.1 Bioinformatics Teaching Up20.png
GapFiller 2.1.1 Bioinformatics Teaching Up20.png
GATK 3.8-0, 3.4-0 Bioinformatics Teaching Up20.png
GeneMarkES 4.33 Bioinformatics Teaching Up20.png
Java 1.8.0_144, 1.8.0_141 Programming Teaching Up20.png
SMRTLINK, Bioinformatics Teaching Up20.png
Zbar 0.10 Graphics Sapelo Up20.png
zlib 1.2.5, 1.2.8 Library Sapelo Up20.png
Zorro 2.2 Bioinformatics Zcluster Up20.png

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