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This program has a graphical interface. Please refer to [[Running_Jobs_on_Teaching#How_to_open_an_interactive_session | Run interactive Jobs]] and [[Running_Jobs_on_Teaching#How_to_run_an_interactive_job_with_Graphical_User_Interface_capabilities | Run X window Jobs]].
This program has a graphical interface. Please refer to [[Running_Jobs_on_the teaching_cluster#How_to_open_an_interactive_session | Run interactive Jobs]] and [[Running_Jobs_on_Teaching#How_to_run_an_interactive_job_with_Graphical_User_Interface_capabilities | Run X window Jobs]].

To run this program in an interactive session using the graphical front end: Start an X terminal (Mac), X window (Windows) at the local computer first, then
To run this program in an interactive session using the graphical front end: Start an X terminal (Mac), X window (Windows) at the local computer first, then

Revision as of 10:21, 12 August 2020



Program On




Author / Distributor

Please see


"Cytoscape is an open source software tool for integrating, visualizing, and analyzing data in the context of networks."

more details at CytoScape

Running Program

Also refer to Running Jobs on Sapelo2

  • Version 3.7.2 is installed in /usr/local/apps/eb/Cytoscape/3.7.2

To use version 3.7.2, please first load the module with

module load Cytoscape/3.7.2

This program has a graphical interface. Please refer to Run interactive Jobs and Run X window Jobs.

To run this program in an interactive session using the graphical front end: Start an X terminal (Mac), X window (Windows) at the local computer first, then

module load Cytoscape/3.7.2
Cytoscape [options]

To run as a batch job, you might have to create a script file with the cytoscape execution commands.

Example of a job submission script to run a batch job (note: this is not the cytoscape execution command script):

#SBATCH --job-name=jobname
#SBATCH --partition=batch
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --mem=4gb
#SBATCH --time=04:00:00
#SBATCH --output=%j.out
#SBATCH --error=%j.err


module load Cytoscape/3.7.2 [options]

where [options] need to be replaced by the options (command and arguments) you want to use. Other parameters of the job, such as the maximum wall clock time, maximum memory, and the job name need to be modified appropriately as well.

Example of submission to the queue:

sbatch ./


module load Cytoscape/3.7.2 -h

Cytoscape Command-line Arguments
usage: cytoscape.{sh|bat} [OPTIONS]
 -h,--help             Print this message.
 -v,--version          Print the version number.
 -s,--session <file>   Load a cytoscape session (.cys) file.
 -N,--network <file>   Load a network file (any format).
 -P,--props <file>     Load cytoscape properties file (Java properties
                       format) or individual property: -P name=value.
 -V,--vizmap <file>    Load vizmap properties file (Cytoscape VizMap
 -S,--script <file>    Execute commands from script file.
 -R,--rest <port>      Start a rest service. 

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