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=== Category ===
=== Category ===

Other, Programming,Graphics
Other, Programming, Graphics

=== Program On ===
=== Program On ===

Latest revision as of 10:10, 5 June 2014


Other, Programming, Graphics

Program On




Author / Distributor

MapleSoft (see


Maple is a mathematics software tool, which provides a mathematical computation engine with fully integrated numerics and symbolics, all accessible from a WYSIWYG technical document environment. Live math is expressed in its natural 2D typeset notation, linked to state-of-the-art graphics and animations with full document editing and presentation control.

Running Program

To run Maple interactively, start the application in one of the following ways:

1. Using the command-prompt interface:


2. Using the GUI front-end with the Maple10 standard interface:

xmaple &

3. Using the GUI front-end with the classical worksheet interface:

xmaple -cw &

If you are planning to run Maple interactively for more than 10 minutes, please run it on an interactive node instead of the pcluster headnode.

Maple can also be run on the batch queue, which is recommended if you are planning to run long jobs. Here is an example of how this can be done:

1. Create a Maple program first.

Sample Maple program zeros.mws with Maple commands to solve for the complex roots of a simple polynomial:

 zeros:=fsolve(P, z, complex):
 for j to nops([zeros]) do
     printf(`%f %f \n`, Re(zeros[j]), Im(zeros[j]))

2. Create a script file to run the Maple program.

Sample script file to run a Maple program called zeros.mws and it saves the standard output of the execution in a file called zeros.output:

cd your_working_directory 
maple < zeros.mws > zeros.output 

Then submit the sample script file to the queue:

ugsub T1-i1-t1-24h

The queuename T1-i1-t1-24h used in this example can be replaced by other one processor queuenames (that is, the maximum runtime of 24h can be changed). Please refer to Running Jobs on pcluster for more information on how to submit batch jobs on pcluster.


Examples of Maple programs are available in /usr/local/maple10/examples

The user manual is available in /usr/local/maple10/doc


Installed in /usr/local/maple10


Unix (AIX)